Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Neon Typography

Taken from http://www.avam.org/exhibitions/current-exhibitions.shtml

This past weekend my friends and I went to the Maryland Science Center and we happened to park in front of the American Visionary Art Museum. I did the animated gif type in motion on the AVAM actually, but I had never been to it before. Unfortunately, I didn't get to go in because by the time we got out of the Science Center, it was closed; however, I got to see the neon typeface that hung on its walls, facing Key Highway. The best exhibit I'd think that the museum features that would have amazing typography would be when PostSecret has an installation available. The PostSecret exhibit isn't available there now, but the postcards that are on display always have the coolest letter arrangements, so keep that in mind!


  1. I love to drive past there! I really like the neon against the brick and the way the designer chose to keep the letters small and space them far apart.

  2. Wow this is really cool! I love the way the typography is incorporated into the architecture, serving as so much more than just a sign/ message. The heart that makes up the "O" is very clever, and the colors are strong.
